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South America Travel
Colombia Peru South America Tips & Travel Advice

The Best Tips for Safe Travel in South America

South America is a treasure trove of wonderful food, people & landscapes just waiting to be discovered and is one of my favourite travel experiences to date. Its reputation for general safety however is no secret and is a real concern for many prospective travellers. However, with these tips for safe travel in South America, …

Colombia Peru South America

The Inca Trail vs The Lost City Trek – Which trek to complete in South America

Having trekked the Inca Trail in 2018, the hiking bug had well and truly bitten and I was itching to get back out there and tackle my next multi-day trek.  I had wanted to visit Colombia for a while and knew there was a relatively unknown trek which was quickly being coined as Colombia’s answer …

South America Tips & Travel Advice

Group Tours vs Independent Travel – Which One Should You Choose?

I’m a relative newbie when it comes to group travel. I only recently went on my first group tour with G Adventures three years ago and I absolutely loved it, however, they’re not for everyone. Until now, my holidays have been DIY trips which I have organised completely myself, from the flights and hotels to …

Peru South America

22 Unforgettable Days Travelling Through Peru – A Vlog of my Highlights

To date, Peru has been my most memorable and favourite trip and I talk about it in more detail in my other blogs (see the Peru page to read these). I travelled alone from London but chose to join a group tour with G Adventures meeting my other tour mates in Lima. I spent twenty-two …

Colombia South America

The Ultimate Guide to the Lost City Trek: An Adventurous Journey to La Ciudad Perdida

Known as Colombia’s less visited answer to Machu Picchu, The Lost City (La Ciudad Perdida in Spanish) is an ancient settlement reachable only via a challenging 5-day trek through Colombia’s northern Sierra Nevada mountain range and promises a memorable experience for those in search of adventure. Covering a distance of 46km, you’ll traverse through lush …